1. Hiphop is a Must
This one is mandatory. I have tried being in a relationship with women who do not know much about hip-hop or care. The conversations were flat and they were most likely not to understand my perspectives or jokes.
Certain jesters can only register to people who are coming from a pool of common knowledge. My interaction with women who love Hip-hop and follow it has been way better.
The rapport brilliant.
2. Be Self Sustainable
It is 2023, a lot of great work has been done to empower and liberate women and as such, I believe that women are and can be self sustainable.
One cannot say they hate partriachy when it says, “Women can’t go to work!” but in the same breath love it, when it obliges the man to do all the paying.
Personally many women will not find me ideal because I don’t adhere to social norms they benefit from. I do what I want.
3. I hate social norms
I don’t follow religions, political figures and celebrities.
I do not value realty show personalities and socialites. They are of no significance to my life.
A lot of women whose lives revolve around that have found me to be boring. Similar to how I find nothing in common with girls who don’t listen to hip-hop.
4. I don’t owe you unless I do
If I don’t legally owe you I don’t owe you. That goes for phone calls, dates, Valentines gifts, Christmas gifts and birthday gifts.
I may participate but I also don’t feel guilty for not recognizing any of the above.
As such I am not suitable for marriage. 😅
5. I don’t care if you leave
And of course I don’t care of someone decides to leave the relationship.
Good ridance!
6. I don’t care about emotions
Facts are more important to me than appealing to feelings.
I do have feelings too but they are too subjective.
I do not prefer to make judgments vased on them.