Boost Your Marketing WINS with AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

4 min readFeb 18, 2023


Imagine for a moment that you’re walking down a busy city street, the sound of honking cars and bustling crowds filling your ears. Suddenly, your eyes are drawn to a bright and vibrant storefront. It’s a shop selling handmade jewelry, each piece unique and full of character. Your interest is piqued, and you step closer to take a look.

Photo by luisana galicia on Unsplash

As you gaze at the beautiful jewelry, you feel a deep desire to own one of the pieces. You imagine how it would look on you, how it would make you feel to wear something so beautiful and special. The desire is so strong that you can practically feel it in your bones.

And then, just as you’re about to leave the store empty-handed, the friendly salesperson approaches you with a smile. They explain the benefits of the jewelry, how it’s made with high-quality materials and designed to last a lifetime. They offer to help you find the perfect piece and guide you through the purchase process. You feel a sense of trust and connection with them, and you decide to take action and buy the jewelry.

This is the power of the AIDA framework. By capturing your attention, generating interest, creating a desire, and prompting you to take action, the jewelry shop was able to turn you from a passerby into a satisfied customer.

Which big brands use AIDA as a copywriting technique?

The AIDA framework is used by copywriters and marketers all over the world to create effective advertising campaigns and sales messages. Let’s take a look at four real-world examples:

Does Nike Use The AIDA Copywriting Technique?

If you are wondering which copywriting techniques Nike uses you are in the right place.

Photo by rex tavanh on Unsplash

“Just Do It” Nike’s iconic slogan is a perfect example of the AIDA framework in action. It captures your attention with its simple yet powerful message, generates interest by implying that you can achieve great things with the right mindset, creates a desire by tapping into your aspirations to be your best self, and prompts you to take action by encouraging you to buy Nike products and start pursuing your goals.

Coca-Cola uses the same technique in it’s copy

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

“Taste the Feeling” Coca-Cola’s tagline is another great example of AIDA. It captures your attention with its catchy rhythm and upbeat tone, generates interest by emphasizing the sensory experience of drinking a Coke, creates a desire by connecting the drink with positive emotions and social experiences, and prompts you to take action by encouraging you to buy and enjoy Coca-Cola.

Apple may claim to “Think Different” but uses the same concept

Apple’s famous advertising campaign is a masterclass in using emotional language to create desire and prompt action. It captures your attention by challenging the status quo, generates interest by presenting a new way of thinking about technology, creates a desire by tapping into your desire to be unique and creative, and prompts you to take action by encouraging you to buy Apple products and join the “Think Different” movement.

Airbnb uses AIDA to make people comfortable with the idea that they can “Belong Anywhere”

Airbnb’s marketing campaign uses AIDA to great effect. It captures your attention with its bold statement, generates interest by emphasizing the idea of belonging and experiencing new cultures, creates a desire by tapping into your desire for adventure and connection, and prompts you to take action by encouraging you to book a stay with Airbnb and start your own journey of belonging anywhere.

To sum it all up

In conclusion, the AIDA framework is a powerful tool for copywriters and marketers looking to create effective advertising campaigns and sales messages. By capturing attention, generating interest, creating desire, and prompting action, AIDA can turn a casual observer into a satisfied customer. As we’ve seen in these four examples, emotional and visceral language is key to making AIDA work. So next time you’re creating an ad or writing a sales pitch, remember the power of AIDA and the importance of connecting with your audience on an emotional level.




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