Here’s how you can reap the benefits of what you are learning ;)
Reading books and not implementing the ideas provided is like taking initiative to plant a seed and forget to water and tend to it.
At reading phase you only gain information for your conscious mind. However when you proceed to attempt to implement it you face challenges which if persistent allow you to gain the experience which becomes understanding (understanding is a subconscious program).
Knowledge cannot be solidified before understanding because you do not fully know before you understand. If you do not understand, what you just have is information which you may at the time mistakenly call knowledge.

The connectedness of ideas
As you continue to understand different aspects of life integration of the connectedness of things you gain wisdom.
Now at each stage of this ongoing evolution, you are likely to be prone to different decisions big and small.
But even the small decisions when automated by your subconscious mind and replayed frequently enough gather enough muscle and manifest themselves as the reality you live in regardless if you decide to acknowledge that or live in denial.
Motivational books, church sermons, positive affirmations, guided meditations, prayers, education and any other modalities created for self improvement only work for those who are willing to WORK.
When I say work, it doesn’t have to be hard work. Consistency has always been more efficient than intensity.
God’s hand does not appear from an open sky in one go and fill Lake Chivero. It is the small consistent splatters probably the size of three tear drops that peacefully unite into streams, the same way they did in the Noah story isn’t it?
Take it slow : The principle of diminishing returns
Intensity often burns out and burn outs inform the body and the rest of the subconscious mind to avoid even doing that activity in the future (yes your subconscious mind might be largely your body).
At first practice minimally enough to build a habit. Once the habit is set in stone it is easier to increase the workload and capacity. Patience pays.
Remember humans natural instinct is to seek pleasure and run from pain (Yet a common adage is: No Pain No Gain)
You do not create habits by doing too much at one go. You create habits by doing reasonable work consistently, than to do a lot of work once and never again.
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