Jungle Loco’s 2022 offering Gwala Mnandi has been sitting undisturbed on the Audiocus platform as the most played album. This is consistent on the front and the back end, the session time the Masvingo born hip-hop emcee has in our analytics data is testament to the fact that lyricism still has replay value.
As such, the album is news-worthy enough to give a fair analysis. It is not an accident that Jungle is where he is lyrically and in terms of reception.
What has Jungle Loco Been doing right?
1- Consistency created his reputation
A reputation a pro-longed perception of whatever image or brand see you as. Jungle from the early days has managed to maintain a brand that attracts those who like real talk and respect the craft of writing good lyrics at the same time.
Virtually from his earliest project Houz of Hunger (2014), to Bata Ma Streets : The Book of Loco (2020), Jungle has maintained messaging which is relevant to the social issues of the average Zimbabwean community, whether rich or poor.
He has offered suggestions and solutions, sort of depicting the lyrical version of that neighbourhood sage you may be lucky to bump into at your shopping center.
As such listening to each track on his albums, is like stopping by, to catch asound-bite of how you can get by.
2 — He has worked on giving the music replay value
Many rappers in Zimbabwe already give very didactic messages, yet their audiences have yet to grow because we do not always make it palatable enough.
Hooks are a good appetizer for any song if it’s going to continue to get attention beyond the first day. Not all people have time to dive into a deeper message on the first play.
However through repeated plays, facilitated by a good chorus they may grow to love the song and the artist.
3 — He has worked on Live Performances
During the lock-downs in 2020, Jungle would do his own Facebook Live sessions with an actual live band. This would also prepare him and make him a good candidate to perform on a large platform such as Shoko Festival.
This also grew his brand image. As I mentioned before, your brand is the reputation of how you are viewed by people.
4 — He has collaborated with the best of the best
Collaboration helps build a great fan base if done with strategic people. Jungle has always been able to build relationships with respected emcees in the industry who already have strong brands.
He has songs with R.Peels, Tocky Vibes, Outspoken, Munetsi, Mcpotar, Shian, Axe Poz, Ti Gonzi, Rhyme Assassin, and Soko Matemai just to name a few.
He has also also build a good relationship with Pepzee, John The Producer and his little brother Settie Chikwati (for the management). They make sure they all play their role in ensuring that the greater goal is magnified. Denzel Sambo collaborated with him on the artwork and promotional images.
There are many people I may have left out, but are as relevant. You do not create an awesome brand in isolation.
5 — He understands demand and supply
Jungle does not regularly go online to give opinions on current affairs, but it does not mean he does not have opinions.
If you want his opinion you usually have to wait for him to drop music, where he will give his view on a matter in a bar or 2.
he does however also simultaneously engage moderately and has his own platform on Whatsapp filled with fans of Hip-hop. This is the engine and street team that shares his link and hypes the album on the run up to a release.
They are united and they are a family that see’s the work as their thing. There is strength in numbers.
What can Jungle improve on?
Well, a lot of people will agree that we need more videos from Jungle or at least one high budget one to solidify him. He does have some visuals here and there but I would argue that he hasn’t invested the effort or resources that match what he has done with the audio.
I am aware that he too may be planning this and we will not rush him since a lot goes into it.
Where can I get the Gwala Mnandi album?
You can stream his album on our very own local streaming Platform Audiocus by clicking this link.